This is the suggested starting place for players that fall into any of these scenarios:
- 900 - 1599 recent WN8 (you can check your WN8 on or
- Recent win rate is 50% - 53%
- You have a firm understanding of game mechanics and are looking for tools to apply your knowledge
Many of the tools and strategies discussed in this section are written under the assumption that you have a firm understanding of core game mechanics. If you aren’t sure you do, head back to this page and fill in any gaps in your knowledge.
After you have invested so much time reading and understanding how world of tanks works, your next question is how to employ this new knowledge. By the end of this curriculum you should be equipped with many tools to help you take advantage of the game mechanics to create opportunities for yourself in game. At this point in your WoT career you should be applying your understanding of game mechanics. Below are tangible tools and strategies you should fully understand and have practiced using each of them before moving on.
Note: this site is ever evolving and the list of articles may expand as I gather feedback
After you have invested so much time reading and understanding how world of tanks works, your next question is how to employ this new knowledge. By the end of this curriculum you should be equipped with many tools to help you take advantage of the game mechanics to create opportunities for yourself in game. At this point in your WoT career you should be applying your understanding of game mechanics. Below are tangible tools and strategies you should fully understand and have practiced using each of them before moving on.
Note: this site is ever evolving and the list of articles may expand as I gather feedback
The entirety of this portion of the guide is to focus on micro positioning, and how to use your vehicle in direct engagements.
- Trading Efficiently (Vehicle to Vehicle)
- Crab Paradigm (Survivabilty Onion)
- Bush Sniping
- Blind Firing
- Sixth Sense Spotting
- Accuracy and Dispersion
- Side and Reverse Side Scraping
- Baiting the Shot
- Learn Every Armor Profile
- How to Use HE Effectively
Once your statistics have improved measurably (your recent WN8 should be 1600 - 2449) - or after you believe you have a firm grasp of these tools and strategies then move to the next section: Macro Position and Macro Play.